Sunday Sport

Relieve the president of his burdens


AFTER all the excitement­s of the Trump presidency, millions in the USA and worldwide welcomed the normality of President Biden.

No deranged ideas about injecting COVID patients with bleach, no plans to withdraw from internatio­nal treaties, no inciting fans to attempt a coup d’etat.

For four years, many wished and hoped for a return to normality.

Well, as they say, be careful what you wish for.

Because while President Biden may look normal, and is certainly not an odd shade of orange like President Trump, there are some things that are bound to cause us all concern.

There’s his habit of sniffing young girls’ hair. We are sure that is entirely innocent but in these censorious times it is bound to raise eyebrows.

But reports that Biden’s bodyguards caught him cleaning his teeth with a toilet brush is a cause for alarm.

As Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. armed forces, President Biden wields more weaponry than anyone in history.

As far as we know, only the Lord God Almighty has more firepower in all of His creation.

And this planet-shattering arsenal is in the hands of a man who cannot tell the difference between a toothbrush and a toilet brush?

President Biden is 78.

Many families do not let elderly relatives have control of the TV remote at that age!

It was always unfair to make a man of Mr Biden’s years take up such a heavy burden. He should be taking it easy, doing some light gardening, or pottering in his shed.

To make him dance to the strident, unceasing tune of high office is surely a cruel and unusual punishment.

One that is forbidden under the Great Republic’s hallowed Constituti­on.

Relieve this poor man of his burden and let him have age’s rest.

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