Sunday Sport


- Barry Monk, Aston Peter Weedall, Basingstok­e

OF course Boris deserves a holiday, just like the rest of us. But how come he gets to stay in a £ 25,000- a- week villa in Marbella while I’m looking at a long weekend in Rhyl?

I read a few months back that he was effectivel­y skint, so if he wouldn’t mind telling us who’s paying for it, I’m all ears.

ON the one hand you’d be a pretty tough taskmaster to deny him and his family a break after everything that’s been going on.

But on the other, gas now costs more than unicorn spunk, there’s food shortages and fuel hold- ups, COVID is hanging around like a bad smell and inflation is about to go through the roof.

I’d say that’s more than enough to be keeping him occupied instead of building sandcastle­s while watching Carrie sucking on sticks of rock.

Colin Riddell, Ipswich

IT’S easy to see why people are getting worked up about it, but if you’ve got a knackered PM not firing on all cylinders, then that’s no good to any of us, either.

And let’s face it, when he HAS been firing on all cylinders he hasn’t exactly been an oasis of calm, has he? Let him have his break and have his deputy, Dominic Raab, hold the reins while he’s away. What could possibly go wrong? Stephen Bullock, Hampstead

IF I had a sexy, new, blonde missus 20 years younger than me, I certainly wouldn’t be wasting my time leafing through boring shite in my red box.

I would, however, be spending a considerab­le amount of time fiddling around in Mrs Prime Minister’s box.

At his age he’s got to get it while he still can.

HE doesn’t deserve a holiday! The daft, tousle- haired bozo is driving us all over a cliff and his answer to our ever- increasing problems is living it up in a luxury house on the Med. By rights he should be serving time in the Tower of London, alongside that Jacob Rees- Mogg fella.

There’s something not right about either of them.

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Bob Tidy, Manchester

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