Sunday Sport

YOU FILTHY SWINE Pig-sex beasts ‘rescue’ oinkers from cull

- By WALLIS RICHMOND news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

VILE pig- sex fiends are “rescuing” pigs which are due to be culled as Britain’s bacon crisis worsens.

Warped bestialist­s, posing as animal welfare activists, are offering farmers market price for the oinkers to “save them from being turned into pet food”.

But the poor little pigs face a fate far worse than being shot, mashed up and made into dog chow or lorry fuel.

They face imprisonme­nt in undergroun­d pig brothels and subjected to the lusts of perverts who get their kicks shagging swine.

Acting on a tipoff, Sunday Sport managed to infiltrate one Wigan- based pig sex ring headed by 59- year- old warehousem­an Kurt Snaith.

Believing our man to be a fellow pig- bummer, Snaith leered: “The farmers are all gutted that their pigs are being culled and sent off to become dog food.

“If the pigs are not sold for human consumptio­n, they only get a fraction of the market price. But we pose as well- meaning activists who say we are going to give the pigs a good time.


“Well, we certainly show them a good time!”

Snaith boasted that the pigs are dressed in lingerie and even daubed with make- up before being forced into sex acts with perverts.

He said: “We get all sorts. Businessme­n, plumbers, bakers, even the odd judge. You’d be surprised how many people want sex with pigs.”

Snaith claimed that the hotly- denied rumours that

former PM David Cameron once had sex with a pig “was a huge boost for our community”.

Sickened by Snaith and his evil deeds, our man made his excuses and left.

A dossier of our pig- sex investigat­ion is on its way to the authoritie­s.

 ?? ?? GUTTED: Farmers see their pigs culled and sent off for dog food
BOAST: Kurt Snaith runs a pig- sex ring in Wigan
GUTTED: Farmers see their pigs culled and sent off for dog food BOAST: Kurt Snaith runs a pig- sex ring in Wigan

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