Sunday Sport

WHAT DO YOU think of


- Felix Lancelot, Putney Barry Penwith, Barnstaple Phil Chadwick, Bradford

I SPEAK for all of us in the north when I say we welcome the idea of continuing to spend most of our lives waiting on freezing railway platforms waiting for trains that will get cancelled anyway.

We also love having the chance to spend the equivalent of Gary Lineker’s BBC salary just to get the train, if it turns up, from A to B. Why would we want cheaper, faster, cleaner, and more reliable trains? No, Boris is quite right snatching away our futures. The fat, posh, stupid- haired, dandruffen­crusted c** t. Bill Mortimer, Leeds

NORTHENERS really never stop moaning, do they?

So what if the Government has decided to downgrade the north eastern bit of HS2 into some less impressive improvemen­t railway works for their steam trains.

It’s not like any of them have jobs, and thus don’t pay any taxes, and therefore don’t deserve nice things. And I’m sure they have lots of horses and carts in any case.

I CAN’T really see why the Brexit- voting pensioners of the unwashed north should not have seen this coming.

Because of them, everything in this country has turned to shit. I bet it was that lot of pig fanciers who snaffled up all the toilet paper, for instance They’d be better trying to do something positive, like learning to speak properly. Or discoverin­g fine foods like the avocado. The world could be their oyster, if only they knew what an oyster was.

Beryl Berrysdale, Sevenoaks

DOWN here in the south west we can honestly say we don’t give a toss about HS2 because it was never coming anywhere near us.

All the Fancy Londoners want from us is a second home in which to spend two weekends a year, preferably with us living in tents at the bottom of their gardens to look after any maintenanc­e work.

The North should look at what they have, rather than what they don’t. Great footy teams, good chippies, um, parmo. Greyhound racing. Rain.

I KNOW they’ll blame the cost of the pandemic, but have you noticed how the super- pricey projects carry on regardless if they’re down south?

They get a Channel Tunnel, Crossrail, Crossrail 2, more airports you can shake a stick at, an ever- expanding Tube, and fares way cheaper than ours. I wonder, is there a link between MPs just happening to be mainly based in London and the desire to keep their beloved capital moving while it’s f** k off to the rest of us?

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