Sunday Sport


Court told she took student’s virginity

- By SIMON DEAN simon@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

A RANDY music teacher faces five years in prison after she sucked off a teenage pupil in her car.

A court heard that Alyssa Tungul also had full sex with the lad in the cellar of his cousin’s house and that he was a virgin before he slipped his erect teen cock into her sodden minge.

Tungul, 31, was found guilty in July of sexual assault and interferen­ce at a court in Edmonton, Canada.

Prosecutor Damon Macleod cited Tungul’s position of authority over the victim as an aggravatin­g factor in sentencing for sexual interferen­ce.

“This is a temperate sentence,” Macleod said. “It is not so long that it would make rehabilita­tion and then reintegrat­ion into the community impossible.”

He argued that while Tungul had prior good character she had also never shown remorse.

“Ms Tungul regrets being convicted. That is all.”

The court also heard a statement read out by the victim’s mother describing how her son lost his love of music and struggled in school.

“My son was a victim, and a survivor. And, he will thrive regardless of your actions,” it said.

Justice Susan Bercov said she would reserve sentencing until mid

December. Defence lawyer Brian Vale is seeking a term of between 15 and 24 months to be served in the community, noting Tungul’s “otherwise blameless life”.

“She did commit a serious offence against a youth. But that was out of character,” he said.

“It was a situationa­l offence. There is no evidence to suggest this is a pattern.” Tungul resigned as a teacher last March but had been on administra­tive leave since December of 2018 and suspended since May 2019.

“There is zero chance that she’ll ever teach again,” said Vale.

The student is now in his 20s and his identity remains protected.

Tungul was his music

teacher in junior high and had a relationsh­ip with him after he graduated into high school, the court heard.

The student and Tungul testified they had sexual encounters but disagreed on who prompted the meetings and how often.


She admitted to sex in the basement of his cousin’s house but said he forced himself on her. The student said that the sex was consensual.

She was convicted of sexual interferen­ce in connection with a later incident where she performed oral sex in her car.

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 ?? ?? GOING DOWN: Teacher Tungul
GOING DOWN: Teacher Tungul

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