Sunday Sport



- By SIMON DEAN news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

NOBODY with a shred of decency could watch without a tear in their eye.

Children In Need

The annual telethon brings together celebritie­s and ordinary people, all united in a big push to raise funds for underprivi­leged tots.

But for vile Watkins Pemberton Children In Need is nothing less than an opportunit­y… for CRIME. The black- hearted felon has no fewer than SEVEN conviction­s for burglaries, all in homes where the householde­rs were engrossed in Children in Need.

Two years ago, a judge branded him the “wickedest man in Crewe” after he stole a lame child’s walking frame while the bent- legged nipper and his parents were watching the show.

But after his exploits on Friday, Pemberton, 34, can rightly be called The Sickest Man in all of BRITAIN!

Because while decent people were watching Children in Need, scumbag Pemberton was jemmying open a window at an ORPHANAGE, which we cannot name for legal reasons.

And as Pemberton rifled the parentless tots’ meagre possession­s, helping himself to any treasured trinkets that took his fancy, the orphan’s pet black Lab puppy came scampering up…

The fate of the beloved pup, named Benny, is not certain but forensic tests at Pemberton’s tatty caravan home suggest the evil burglar ATE the baby DOG!

Sobbing, one veteran cop said: “As you can imagine, after 20 years on the Crewe force, I’ve seen the very worst of humanity and witnessed crimes of such depravity it would freeze your blood. But nothing, NOTHING comes close to this crime for sheer wickedness. If I had my way, this monster would never see the inside of a courtroom.

“Justice would best be served by tying him to the main London railway line and letting the trains have their way with him. But I’m afraid Britain is too ‘ woke’ for that, these days.”

It’s believed news of Pemberton’s outrage has been kept from Children in Need presenters to spare them psychologi­cal harm.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? IN DARK: Show’s stars don’t know of outrage
IN DARK: Show’s stars don’t know of outrage
 ?? ?? SICK: Evil Pemberton tucked into pup Benny
SICK: Evil Pemberton tucked into pup Benny

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