Sunday Sport

THE VOICE OF BRITAIN British rule can make America truly great again


ACCORDING to a survey published last week, half of Americans expect to see a second US civil war within years.

Alas, that looks all too likely. Rent by political and racial strife, it is surely a matter of time before our friend, the Great Republic, falls to mayhem.

Such a developmen­t would be greeted with glee in the palaces of Peking and Moscow, where clammy hands are poised to grab the Free World.

With the United States distracted by civil war, the dictators would snatch all we have loved and held dear.

Millions would perish in gulags. The light of the world would be snuffed out.

One thing stands between us and a new Dark Age… The British Empire. Should America descend into anarchy, the slumbering giantess of Britannia must be woken to defend truth, democracy and freedom.

With the great Dominions of Canada, Australia and New Zealand at our side and the vast, brave armies of India at our back, Britain could – and should – once again lead the world along the path of decency.

It will take moral and martial courage on a scale never before seen.

The dark forces of Russia and China have spread tentacles of influence into our nation and those evil tentacles would attempt to thwart the revival of Britannia.

That malign influence must be fought at home – with the gallows, if necessary.

But with valour, grit and the Lord God on our side, Britain will once more stand like a titan, defending all that is good and right.

And, in the fullness of time, with the dictators defeated and set to flight, Britain would be able to place a gentle hand on the shoulder of the troubled United States.

America would be welcomed back into the imperial fold, whence she strayed.

And the Old World shall have come to the rescue and liberation of the New.

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