Sunday Sport

Loons think Sport is part of conspiracy


LAST week, left wingers got excited and started tweeting the hashtag # CorbynWasR­ight. What rattled the Trots’ cage? Something called the Forde Report, it turns out.

The report, as it turns out, is a report into a previous report… oh f** k it.

I’m bored already.

The upshot is that Martin Forde QC’s inquiry found that Labour members fight among themselves like rats in a sack.

Rather than do their job of being an Opposition, Labour members from different factions have spent the last few years calling each other names.

You think the Tory leadership has got a bit personal and nasty?

It’s like a love- in at a naked stoners’ convention compared to the vicious scrap behind the scenes in the Labour Party.

The Corbynites hate Starmer’s fans, who they call “centrists”.

Anyone who points out that the last Labour leader to actually win an election was Tony Blair gets cut to ribbons by the lefties.

The same lefties say Corbyn should have won the 2017 election and only didn’t because, er… Theresa May got more votes.

Now, a sensible person would think: “If Theresa May can beat our man, it’s time for a change.”


Not Labour. They stuck with Comrade Corbyn and when he got hammered by Boris in 2019 and Labour suffered their worst defeat since 1935, the left blamed, er… Sir Keir Starmer.

Oh, and the Press.

Jeremy Corbyn lost because of Sir Keir Starmer and, apparently, a vast right- wing conspiracy of Tory- supporting newspapers.

And the left even produced a montage of newspaper headlines “proving” the media were biased against poor Jezza.

A montage that included a daft story Sunday Sport ran about Corbyn squashing a rabbit with a pogo stick.

Just to be clear, Sunday Sport supports NO political party. We take the piss out of them all, without fear or favour.

If you include Sunday Sport in a dossier of evidence to prove a point you are either: a) Insane b) Desperate c) So lacking a sense of humour it suggests you have some kind of a brain disorder, or d) All of the above

It’s all part of the fun and games of politics, I’m sure, but this is f** king serious.

Under Boris, the Tories went out of control and got away with all kinds of insane shit because the Opposition were so busy fighting among themselves and chasing ghosts.

That’s bad for Labour, f** king catastroph­ic for the country, and even bad for the Tories who, thanks to the last few months, are in a shambles.

Is it too much to ask Labour to pull themselves together and do the f** king job that they are supposed to?

Given they’re trawling Sunday Sport for conspiracy theories, the answer to that is probably: “Yes.”

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