Sunday Sport

We’ve not paid for a drink since 1986

- SUNDAY SPORT EXCLUSIVE By SIMON DEAN news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

BACK when they were in their mid- twenties, Jane Smith and Kerry Ford found a sure- fire way to get free drinks…

Flopping their big boobs on the bar!

Even now the pair, who have been pals since primary school, are still pulling the sexy trick – even though they both qualify for BUS PASSES!

And the pints of their favourite snakebite- and- black are still flowing.

Jane, a retired dinner lady from Crewe, Cheshire, said: “I can’t really remember the first time tried it but it was in a rough pub that’s not there any more.


“One of the biker lads said he’d buy us each a pint if we showed him our tits – so we got them out. We’re both big girls in that department so we flopped them on the bar.

“We got drinks from the biker, his pals and several other lads in the bar. We got so drunk that night. I sucked off a bloke from the railways and

Kerry pissed her knickers waiting for a bus on Nantwich Road.

“They were great times in Crewe, back in the Eighties.”

The pair both married and had kids but that did not stop them pulling their sexy stunt.

Kerry said: “Our families always went on holiday together and we had some great nights flopping our boobs out in Spain and Portugal.

“Our husbands were always alright about it. They just shrugged and said ‘ here they go again’.”

Sadly, Kerry lost her husband Bob two years ago after an incident in Alsager.

But that’s not stopped the old pals enjoying life.

Jane said: “We’ll still do our party trick as long as there’s a pint in it. I don’t think either of us have paid for a drink since about 1986. That’s important when you’re on a pension.”

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BOSOM BUDDIES: Jane and Kerry do their free pint move

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