Sunday Sport

I went shopping in just red stockings, bra and long coat


THE pub is a great place to meet old mates, relax and have a laugh over a few drinks. They’re the lifeblood of British social lives.

Sunday Sport caught up with two party- lovin’ babes who love some booze and gossip and we’ve got them to spill the beans on their sex lives!

Here we get the lowdown from a pair of saucy stunnas from Birmingham…


CHLOE: My first was after a gala day on the school playing fields when I was 17. Me and a guy snuck behind the cricket pavilion. It wasn’t very good for me but he seemed to enjoy himself. His jizz went down his trousers when he came and then he zipped up and we went back and joined the group. ALICE: The first time I pulled a guy off was in a park we used to go to. There is nothing really to remember to be honest, it only took about five minutes. I was 17 and it was the first time I had seen a dick and I was thinking ‘ what am I doing? I should give it up and become a lesbian instead’.


CHLOE: I never liked the thought of it so I kept putting it off. But my bloke at the time kept on badgering me to do it, so in the end I gave in but wished I hadn’t. It was disgusting when he came in my mouth, it made me gag and I spat it over his chest. It tasted yucky, really salty.

ALICE: I was camping in a tent with my boyfriend, my brother and his girlfriend. We had separate sleeping compartmen­ts and one night my fella asked me to go down on him. He was getting really excited and after a while he stopped me and tried to get me to shag him, which I wouldn’t. So to teach him a lesson I refused to finish him off and he got really angry and went to sleep in a mood instead. Not surprising­ly we split up soon afterwards.


CHLOE: I was 18 and his mum walked in just as we were about to climax. But she was a bit of a hippy and didn’t bother, she just closed the door, so we carried on until we’d finished. I didn’t know what all the hype was about. It was good to get it over and done with ALICE: I was also 18 and with my boyfriend on his sofa, and we were very drunk. What little I do remember is that he had Kanye West’s Love Lockdown playing in the background. But everytime I hear it now I feel sick, the sex was rubbish. It only lasted about the length of the song. It was big let down. But I suppose it’s always rubbish the first time.


CHLOE: One guy I went out with had a big dick girth wise – it was massive. The sex was alright but I prefer long cocks rather than fat ones I’ll stick to normal size thank you. It’s not what they’ve got, it’s how they use it that matters.

ALICE: The largest guy I’ve been with had an eight- inch cock but the sex was very painful. It was just too hard to get a comfortabl­e position, so I’ll stick with average over big any day it’s much more fun with a normal dick.


CHLOE: I have tried it twice – both times when I’ve been really drunk. Lads are weird like that, they always want to try it when they’ve had a drink. It was much better the second time. It really turned my man on – we’ll be doing it again some time soon. ALICE: I haven’t done it. It’s not something that interests me in the slightest. A few blokes have tried it on but I put them straight and told them they’re going nowhere near my bum. That’s just the way it is.


CHLOE: The first time I did it outside was in an entry. It was quite exciting because someone could have seen us at any time. But as usual with men it was over all too quickly and before I knew it I was pulling up my knickers and we were going home.

ALICE: The first time I did it outside was in a park on a nice summer’s day. There was always the risk of getting caught which really turned me on. It was fun and exciting but next time I want to do it somewhere more exotic.


CHLOE: I had met this guy a few times but got fed up with him and stopped answering his calls. But one night I was out in a club and feeling really horny when I spotted him. So I went up to him and we got chatting. We were both pretty drunk and one thing led to another and we went outside and had sex in an alleyway beside the club. I was wearing jeans and had to take them down as well as taking my shoes off and ended up cutting my feet. It was all over pretty quick but my knickers were so soaking wet I chucked them over a wall, then got dressed and went back into club commando and finished the night off.

ALICE: It was just before Christmas and I didn’t want to go out but my ex boyfriend was being a total dickhead and I wanted to get back at him somehow. Anyway I went out to the pub without him and pulled two of his mates then went back to mine for a threesome. It wasn’t glamorous and didn’t last that long but that’s not to

say I won’t try it again with other men. After we’d finished my ex came round and I wasn’t fully satisfied and still feeling horny, so I shagged him as well – which was very naughty. He still doesn’t know to this day but maybe he will after reading this, but I don’t care


CHLOE: The first time I tried any bondage stuff I handcuffed my boyfriend to the bed. He wanted me to dress up for him so I went out and bought a policewoma­n’s outfit. He loved it and was really excited.

ALICE: I’ve never been into that sort of thing if I’m honest. The only thing I’ve really done is dressed up for a laugh. I went to the supermarke­t with my boyfriend in just red stockings, bra and a long coat. It made me feel quite sexy.


CHLOE: I would like to have a bloke shag me on a tropical beach like in the film Dirty Dancing. That would be great. But I know the reality might be a let down because you would probably get sand in your crack. However, I have this picture in my mind and I’m hoping that some day it might happen.

ALICE: One of my fantasies would be to shag in the sea where people could see you and knew what you were up to — that would be a real turn on for me. Or even doing it under a blanket in a packed park on a sunny day. That would be good as well, ’ cos you could get busted at any time.

AGE: 21
FROM: Birmingham OCCUPATION: Online sales FAVE DRINK: Anything fizzy! FAVE FOOD: Italian
FAVE ACTOR: Chris Hemsworth FAVE HOLIDAY: Spain
ALICE BROWN AGE: 21 FROM: Birmingham OCCUPATION: Online sales FAVE DRINK: Anything fizzy! FAVE FOOD: Italian FAVE FILM: Frozen FAVE ACTOR: Chris Hemsworth FAVE HOLIDAY: Spain

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