Sunday Sport

Flush away sh*t gangs for all time


IT is without question that British scientists are the finest in the world.

The list of inventions that come from this little island group is almost without end.

And in anonymous industrial estates up and down the land, that tradition of innovation continues.

In the fields of computing, nanotechno­logy, bioscience­s and space research, the British flag flutters triumphant.

But we must – now and always – consider the dire implicatio­ns of progress.

For example, did Ernest Rutherford realise that when he split the atom at Manchester University in 1918, that he had unleashed a monster of unrivalled terror and destructio­n, before which the planet still cowers?

We must be similarly cautious about so-called “green” technology.


Thanks to a panic sparked by vegetarian­s, lunatics and Communists, there is a rush away from “fossil” fuels and towards a “net zero carbon” future.

Part of that rush has seen a UK firm create aviation fuel from human stools.

All well and good, you may say…

Until you realise that this developmen­t could fund a multiBILLI­ON pound payday for the Albanian Shit Gangs who control 80% of UK human waste thanks to their devious and filthy machinatio­ns.

The Shit Gangs and their sewerdwell­ing members already bring untold mayhem and misery to hard-working Brits.

With billions of pounds in their pockets, who knows what extra mischief they can create!

We cannot blame the scientists for not foreseeing the malign effects of their work – their heads are too full of book-learning for common sense.

We can only hope that our leaders can be more clear-sighted and take steps…


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