Sunday Sport


- By BARNEY SAMUELS news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

BRITAIN has huge numbers of little moggies looking for homes after being abandoned by owners crippled by the soaring cost of cat food…

Our nation also has a growing number of homeless people, who have fallen through society’s cracks into destitutio­n…

Two problems which can cancel each other out, according to cat rights extremist, Muriel Proops.

Because the cat charity founder reckons the unhomed masses could be MINCED and fed to rescued felines.

Muriel, of Biddulph, Staffs, explained: “To me, it’s as plain as a pikestaff. There are cats going hungry while at the same time there are homeless people idling, lying in the streets, wandering about on Monkey Dust, claiming benefits and making the place look a mess.


“Hanley, for example, is a cesspit thanks to all the tramps. Would it not be better to use them as a meat resource to feed my cats?”

Muriel explained that she now looks after 50 rescued strays.

She said: “When I started, I had a maximum of 15 but after the pandemic, people started abandoning the cats they had bought during lockdown.

“Then came the cost of living crisis and the price of cat food rocketed.

“People simply abandoned cats and they ended up here and at cat rescues like this.

“My plan saves the taxpayer money, tidies

the streets of undesirabl­es and saves cats.

“It’s a real winner, whatever way you look at it.”

But her plan has not found favour with the mainstream cat charities.

A source at the Cat Protection League said: “Oh my goodness! I’m afraid this plays into the stereotype of cat lovers being deranged old women with sociopathi­c tendencies.

“We can be fairly certain that the League will not be asking for homeless people to be killed for cat food.”

 ?? ?? TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE: Feed the homeless to hungry moggies
TWO BIRDS, ONE STONE: Feed the homeless to hungry moggies
 ?? ?? MAD PLAN: Cat advocate Proops
MAD PLAN: Cat advocate Proops

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