Sunday Sport

DEANO A memorial to our crumbling society


THERE’S no money…

That’s the cry from government whenever we ask for things like, I don’t know, potholes being filled in or ambulances coming when we have cut off our leg with a billhook. Today, I cry: “BOLLOCKS!” There is clearly pots of the stuff knocking about, as a result of the tax burden being higher than at any time since the war.

As evidence, I present the Budget Speech of the Right Honourable Jeremy Hunt.

This living, breathing example of rhyming slang got on his hind legs on Wednesday to deliver what is likely to be the Tories’ last Budget before the election.

In fact, given the complete Horlicks they made of things, it’s likely to be their last Budget ever.

Straight out of the traps, Hunty announced a million quid for a memorial to Muslims who died fighting for Britain.

Bet that was top of your list too, eh?

Now, I would not deny a memorial to anyone who has fought for Britain.


But, no. This complete and utter Hunt has decided that working people struggling to pay the mortgage and the gas bill should shell out for a new memorial.

Perhaps old Hunty thinks that his generosity with our money will stop the Friends of Hamas causing mayhem in London every Saturday.

If he thinks that, he’s as daft as he looks.

T he money lavished on the Muslim war memorial is dwarfed by the 26 MILLION QUID being handed to the National Theatre in London for “a new stage”.

TWENTY SIX MILLON – for a few f** king planks of wood!

If the National Theatre wants some new boards for its actors to tread, I suggest they shake down some of the millionair­e luvvies who bang on about how important “the arts” are.

But no.

Working people in Rotherham, Dundee, and Colwyn Bay are being asked to pay for a refit for a theatre they will never visit.

Never mind Gaza – THAT’S what the people of Britain should be protesting about.

In just two minutes, I’ve shown how £ 27million of our money is being spent where it need not be.

Our money is being wasted with every tick of the clock. Money that WE’VE earned and is taken from us under threat of prison.

Tax pounds are being showered on all manner of shite, across government – from diversity bollocks to so- called “developmen­t funds”, which will end up in the back pockets of spiv consultant­s.

Don’t even get me started on the extra £ 3.6billion Hunty chucked into the black hole of “Our NHS”. He actually said the NHS makes us proud to be British. With a straight face.

The massive c** t.

Meanwhile, our roads are falling apart, ambulances don’t come when we need them, and our defences are stripped bare just at the very moment that some sort of war looks on the cards.

But, hey, at least we get a Muslim war memorial. email: simon@sundayspor­

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