Sunday Sport

Smiling scum who steal YOUR money

Email: simon@sundayspor­


I HAVE little time for the odious Scottish National Party but their Westminste­r leader, Stephen Flynn, is one of the Commons’ better performers.

Last week, at PM’s Question Time, he goaded the Labour front bench for being ‘ born- again Thatcherit­es’.

Oh, how the Tories hooted as Labour MPs squirmed in discomfort.

That’s only because they hadn’t twigged what Flynn was really saying: there is no difference between the Conservati­ves and Labour.


And that’s not because Labour are, as Flynn put it, born- again Thatcherit­es. The f** king Tories aren’t Thatcherit­es, these days, never mind Labour.

The two main parties have merged into a bland, perma- smiling, high- tax, high- spending, nannyknows­best, Big State blob.

The Tories have abandoned any pretence at being ‘ conservati­ve’, as they preside over out- of- control public spending, out- of- control immigratio­n, an out- of- control Civil Service and ruined Armed Forces.

Meanwhile, Labour have jettisoned any idea of being for the working man – with their obsessions with chickswith­dicks, long- abolished slavery, and milking the working man to feather the nests of the workshy.

Both parties will now say anything to get power. But power to do what?

Not to make anything better, that’s for sure.

The Tories and Labour are fighting for control of the levers that award lucrative government contracts.

Award a contract, get a nice kickback for party funds, get reelected, award more contracts, get more kickbacks for the party…

And so it goes on.

THAT and that alone is the function of our rotten political system these days.

And that is why the ordinary taxpayer is being bilked for everhigher tax while “public services” go down the toilet.

It’s what economists call “a f** king racket”.

It will be EXACTLY the same when Labour get in.

Private healthcare firms are not shoving money Labour’s way because they like Wes Streeting’s hair.

They want a return on their investment when Streeting gets his trotters under the desk at the Department of Health.

For once, I have a couple of solutions to this morass.

First, no company or individual who has made a political donation – to any party – should be able to win a government contract.

Second, come election time, the ballot paper should have a ‘ none of the above’ option, so those of us who wish a plague on all political houses can have a voice.

Neither will happen as both of these would involve passing legislatio­n.

And who makes law? The grubby sods fighting in the mire for the power to hand YOUR money to billionair­es.

Britain is being ruled by a corrupt mafia - a mafia that tells us to eat our greens and give up vaping, while stealing money from our wallets.

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