Sunday Sport

PINT SIZE’ ‘I’ll CHOP OFF your LEGS , Angela, see how you like it!’

- By MILES PLATTING news@ sundayspor­t. co. uk

A DWARF separatist has been warned by police after threatenin­g Angela Rayner for referring to Rishi Sunak as ‘ pint- size’.

The under- fire ginger beauty attacked the Tory leader during Prime Minister’s Question Time this week.

But by referring to his diminutive stature she has irked the leader of the dwarf rights extremist Neal Gregson.

Rishi is the smallest Prime Minister Britain has ever had, standing just 5’ 5” tall and for some reason accentuate­s his small stature with too tight, too small suits.

And that led Neal to come to his defence and he was quizzed by police after posting on social media he wanted to chop Labour No2 Angela’s legs off at the knee so she can feel what it’s like to be little.

Gregson, 37, has apologised for his extreme words saying he realises they may have been taken out of context.

But he is demanding

Rayner also apologise for her sizeist comments and has been protesting against her.

Speaking from his home in Sheffield, the Campaign for Equal Heights leader said: “I am sorry for my angry words.

“They weren’t meant to be a threat. It was a metaphor. But I understand that they could be construed differentl­y and for that I apologise.

“I stand by the fact Rayner has insulted all little people with her pint- size comment.

“She needs to apologise or resign. I hate Rishi Sunak but that’s beside the point. The size of man has nothing to do with his ability to do a job. My mate Dan is only 3’ 8” and he’s the best- paid porn star in Britain.

“Angela needs to look at his work and she’d soon find out how untrue her words are.”

A source close to Angela said: “She wouldn’t want to upset anyone apart for evil scumbag Tories.”

 ?? ?? HARSH WORDS: Rayner gave Sunak both barrels
THE PRIME MINIATURE: Sunak next to tallest MP Kawcynski
HARSH WORDS: Rayner gave Sunak both barrels THE PRIME MINIATURE: Sunak next to tallest MP Kawcynski
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? SHUT IT ANGE: Neal is on the ginger beauty’s case
SHUT IT ANGE: Neal is on the ginger beauty’s case

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