Sunday Sport

Idiots who lap up this trash ruin our country

- email: simon@sundayspor­

IT’S that time of year again where the country is divide into two tribes…

The shortlist for the Turner art prize has been revealed.

The headline act this year is a Red Ford Escort with a giant doily draped over it.

Something you, I or anyone with an ounce of common sense would call “a load of f** king bollocks”.

But to some people, this is not bollocks.

Have a look at what The Guardian – the house journal of Britain’s wanker class - says about this year’s Turner Prize shortlist:

‘… one in the eye for petty nationalis­ts’

‘… the complexiti­es of postcoloni­alism’

‘ The artists are part of a much deeper and longer conversati­on about what culture is, who owns it, who it is for, who and what is represente­d, and who has a voice.’ More f** king bollocks.

But there’s something wider at play here.

The sort who see a Ford Escort with a f** king doily on it and think ‘ art’ rather than ‘ bollocks’ all come from a certain section of society.

I’m willing to bet everyone who rubs their chin appreciati­vely at Turner Prize bullshit thinks Brexit is an abominatio­n, that Hamas was somehow justified in massacring and raping Jews, that immigratio­n – as much as possible, legal and illegal – is a ‘ good thing, that criminals should not be punished, that men can magically become women and that loving your country makes you a Nazi.

They look down on you and me because we see bollocks and say “bollocks”.

We know them and we know what they look like – vegan beards and Yasser Arafat tea towels around their stupid, scrawny necks.

The trouble is, these are the people running the country.

They infest the judiciary, they run the schools and universiti­es, they’ve captured the Church of England, they decide what you watch on TV, they run the personnel department­s of big businesses and they’re even on manoeuvres to take over the armed forces.

Hell, Scotland, once the most sensible nation of the UK, has been taken over wholesale by these headbanger­s. You see the problem?

The sort of people who think a Ford Escort with a big doily on it is ‘ high art’ have their hands on the levers of power and give each other great piles of YOUR money.

That is why this country is utterly f** ked, whichever party is in power.

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