Sunday Sun

Emotional musical tribute by best friend


THE heartbroke­n best friend of Manchester bombing victim Chloe Rutherford vowed to “create a music career for two” as she performed for the first time since the horrific attack.

Seventeen-year-old Chloe and her boyfriend Liam Curry, 19, were planning to spend their lives together, but the South Shields couple were among 22 people murdered by suicide bomber Salman Abedi at the Manchester Arena on Monday night.

Bravely taking to the stage at the 02 Academy Newcastle on Friday, Chloe’s best friend Amy Ridley paid tribute to them and the other victims of the bombing.

In an emotional Facebook post written on the day of the gig, Amy revealed she and Chloe used to sing together “every day” at school and that her best friend would always be on stage with her.

Amy wrote: “It’s going to be a hard time understand­ing and realising what has actually happened over these few days but I know in my heart Chloe is always going to be there for me.

“We sang together nearly every day at col- lege and she was a big part of my singing adventures and that’s why I’m going push my music as hard as possible as I’m now creating a music career for two. Chloe and me.

“The stage will always have a hint of Chloe standing to my left.”

There was a heightened security presence at the show on Friday as Amy opened the show ahead of local lass Channy Thompson.

And while there were full body searches and security wands at the entrance of the Academy, was one of strength rather than fear.

 ??  ?? Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry were killed
Chloe Rutherford and Liam Curry were killed

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