Sunday Sun

‘Halt Universal Credit until mess sorted out’


MINISTERS are facing fresh demands by MPs to halt the mass roll-out of Universal Credit (UC) until they can ensure no more claimants are pushed “over the edge” and into debt.

The cross-party Commons Work and Pensions Committee warned the support offered to claimants transferri­ng to UC was “woefully inadequate” and risked underminin­g the whole project.

The report piles pressure on Chancellor Philip Hammond who is facing calls from some Tory MPs to provide additional cash to ease the transition to the new system when he delivers the Budget tomorrow.

It comes just days after MPs on the Commons Public Accounts Committee accused the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) of turning a “deaf ear” to the concerns of claimants facing “unacceptab­le” levels of hardship.

Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey insisted the system was helping the jobless into employment, but acknowledg­ed there was a need to “adapt and change”.

The warnings follow repeated Work and Pensions Secretary Esther McVey complaints that low-income families and individual­s in areas where UC has been introduced are being driven into debt because of delays in issuing the new payments.

In its report, the Work and Pensions Committee said the DWP’s system of “universal support” which is supposed to help claimants adapt to UC fell far short of what was needed.

Vulnerable people needed more than the single two-hour session of “personal budgeting and digital skill support” they were currently entitled to if they were to maintain their claims under the new system.

“Given the scale of challenges that many claimants face, this is woefully inadequate,” the committee said.

It said the DWP needed to develop a new “flexible, discretion­ary approach to debt management” before moving to the national rollout of UC due to begin in mid-2019.

“Crucially, the department must not proceed with transferri­ng existing claimants on to Universal Credit on a large scale until this approach is in place and functionin­g effectivel­y.”

It added: “DWP designed Universal Credit. So it has a duty to ensure that it works for claimants and the local services which support them.”

Committee chairman Frank Field said: “Universal support is not ‘universal’, and it hasn’t been offering much in the way of support.

“DWP must not push one more claimant on to Universal Credit until it can show that it will not push them over the edge.”

The DWP said it had already taken steps to address the concerns that had been raised with the creation of a new £51m partnershi­p with Citizens Advice to deliver universal support.

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