Sunday Sun

Don’t wreck boat found on beach


- By Mike Brown

Reporter A WRECKED boat has been uncovered at Redcar – but beach-goers are being warned not to try to salvage its timber.

The Coastguard received reports that the hull of an old wooden vessel was on show close to the Regent Cinema this week.

But Redcar Coastguard Rescue Team is advising those planning to take a souvenir to think again.

It said that all wreck material has an owner and “therefore it is not a case of finders keepers”.

Under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, all recoveries of wreckage material must be reported to the Receiver of Wreck.

Failing to report removal of wreck to the Receiver is a criminal offence, for which you could be fined up to £2,500.

A Coastguard statement said: “Wreck material includes flotsam, jetsam, derelict or lagan that is found in or on the shores of any tidal water.

“It includes ships, aircraft or hovercraft or any parts of these, their cargo or equipment. Wreck can be modern or historic and includes any item from a shipwreck regardless of its age, size or value.

“This wreck may be of archaeolog­ical and historical interest and so members of the public are being urged not to remove any part of this vessel or its contents.”

Anyone who has recovered any part of the vessel or its contents has 28 days to fill out a Coastguard report form, which can be found on publicatio­ns/report-a-wreck-or-salvagefor­m-msf-6200

Members of the public are being urged not to try TO salvage timber that has appeared on the beach at Redcar after HM Coastguard received reports that part of old wooden vessel has been uncovered.

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