Sunday Sun

Still here thanks to team

- By Nicole Morley

Colin and Annette Oxberry are pictured with, from left, Joanne Metcalf, Ian Hunwick, Imogen Newby, Melanie Brown and Emily Claridge Reporter A GRANDFATHE­R who suffered a cardiac arrest after a 10-mile bike ride is now on the road to recovery.

Colin Oxberry’s life was saved thanks to the efforts of his wife and North East Ambulance Service staff.

The 60-year-old, from Durham, cycles regularly to stay fighting fit.

He said: “I’m not what you would call heart attack material.”

As it turned out, one of Colin’s main arteries was blocked and he has since found out that only 5% of people survive this type of complicati­on.

Colin’s wife Annette was able to administer lifesaving CPR thanks to the guidance of North East Ambulance Service’s Melanie Brown over the phone until paramedics arrived.

Paramedic Ian Hunwick and clinical care assistant Joanne Metcalf arrived just minutes after the 999 call was placed.

Another paramedic, Imogen Newby, and clinical care assistant Emily Claridge, also arrived on the scene soon after to help save Colin’s life.

Mr Hunwick said that Annette’s efforts “made all the difference” in saving her husband.

Colin had to be shocked with a defibrilla­tor around 11 or 12 times according to Mr Hunwick, who said: “It took us a lot to get him back, but he was very lucky.”

Reaching out to the people who saved his life was a priority for Colin and he contacted them straight away to say thank you.

“I realise how close I came and you can’t thank the people that saved you enough, it’s a debt you can never repay.”

“They gave me more time with my children and grandchild­ren. These people are literally life-savers.”

Colin’s wife Annette added: “Without Melanie’s calm instructio­ns I would not have been able to help my husband until the paramedics arrived.”

The chances of surviving an out-ofhospital cardiac arrest is low, currently less than one in 10 people survive.

According to the North East Ambulance Service, 27% of adults in the North East wouldn’t perform CPR if they saw someone suffer a cardiac arrest.

On this occasion however everything worked out and Colin has made a full recovery and says he is now feeling “very lucky”.

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