Sunday Sun

Kelly Carry on regardless


vote was two years later, which resulted in a conclusive 66% ‘remain’ vote.

The second EU referendum was held in 2016 with a 52% ‘leave’ vote. Meanwhile big question marks about its veracity remain, yet in another act of stubbornne­ss the government refuses to properly investigat­e the worrying claims, despite compelling evidence, of electoral fraud and outside interferen­ce of foreign countries in the vote.

Then we come to Universal Credit that merges six benefits into one payment. It is not working and an awful lot of people are suffering because of it, yet still the government carries on with it regardless.

Only on Friday a Citizens Advice report revealed that due to ‘flaws’ in the system, some disabled people can find them- selves £300 a month worse off. Even more shockingly, Macmillan Cancer Support estimates that people with cancer are being forced to wait five weeks to receive urgent financial support. Strict new rules also mean cancer patients are having to apply online, which is difficult in hospital, or travel to Job Centres to do so, where there is risk of infection.

Yet all the government does is delay its roll out to presumably just carry on later while the Minister responsibl­e for it, Esther McVey, appears to be avoiding being questioned on it.

Unless it uses the time for a complete re-think on the much derided policy, it just delays the inevitable while places like Newcastle, where it was originally rolled out to, continue to suffer.

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