Sunday Sun



to her.

Now Khan, 45, has been jailed for three years after he admitted three offences of indecent assault.

He must also register as a sex offender and be subject to a sexual harm prevention order for 10 years.

His victim bravely stood in the witness box and told the courtroom about the impact her ordeal had on her life.

She said: “When this happened I was a vulnerable child. He preyed on my vulnerabil­ity.

“I had to deal with it by myself. I can’t explain how much I was hurting inside, without being able to speak and seek support.

“It was absolutely disgusting, what he did. He even showed me fake ID.”

Prosecutor Paul Currer told the court Khan had made regular telephone calls to his young victim, while he was married with children.

Mr Currer said: “He told her he was a doctor and 21 years old. None of this was true.

“She was so naive she questioned none of it.”

The court heard Khan instructed his victim to change out of her school uniform before

she met him at a Metro station and he took her for coffee and food before driving to a deserted car park near the River Tyne.

Mr Currer said the victim felt “powerless” during the sex attack and said she even considered running from the car and swimming across the Tyne to South Shields to get away from him.

The court heard the victim was “physically sick” afterwards.

Khan told the girl he wanted to meet her again and gave her a mobile phone so he could make contact.

The court heard despite the threats, the girl refused to ever see Khan again.

Judge Tim Gittins, at Newcastle Crown Court, told him: “A message needs to go out, not just to you but those contemplat­ing or having committed such offences, that the passage of time creates no hiding place from true allegation­s.”

The court heard Khan, now of Endymion Street, Hull, had no previous conviction­s, has been a supportive family man, has been in no trouble since he committed the offences and has medical conditions, including a heart problem.

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