Sunday Sun

North East’s economy may suffer damage

Boy, one, among crash dead

- B By Jonathan Walker jon.walker@reachplc.comjo BP

A ONE-YEAR-OLD boy is one of four people who died when their people carrier was hit by a car being pursued by police.

Two families are believed to have been travelling in a black VW Touran people carrier when it collided with a black VW Golf car in Sheffield on Friday evening, South Yorkshire Police said.

Two men aged 35 and 50, and a woman, 41, died at the scene while the little boy died in hospital.

A three-year-old girl has been taken to hospital with “life-threatenin­g injuries”, while one woman, 22, is in a critical condition and another woman is in a stable but serious condition.

Police were in pursuit of three men in the Golf when it collided with the people carrier just after 8.50pm.

The trio, aged 17, 18 and 23, have been arrested and remain in custody after suffering minor injuries.

The Independen­t Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) has launched an investigat­ion. Political Editor E EXPORTS to the EU are worth bill lions to the North East economy, Government figures have revealed.

And the region’s exporters are doing better than ever.

But the statistics also highlight the damage that would be done to the region’s economy if the UK leaves the EU without a Brexit deal that will allow exports to continue, according to business leaders.

Jack Simpson, policy analyst at North East England Chamber of Commerce, said: “Getting a deal is vital to keeping supply chains open and keeping those lines open to trade after Brexit.”

It comes as Prime Minister Theresa May prepares to present her Brexit deal to her Cabinet colleagues – leading to a battle to win the support of the House of Commons.

Latest data shows that 4,540 businesses in our region exported goods to the EU in 2017, bringing in £7.5bn to the local economy.

That’s up slightly from the 4,492 businesses that did so in 2016, exporting £7.1bn worth of goods over the course of the year.

It means the EU market was worth nearly £400m more to North East businesses in 2017 compared to the year before.

The rise reflects the national trend, as the value of exports from the UK as a whole also increased over the same period.

And it shows the vote to leave the EU in the 2016 referendum has not so far stopped exporters succeeding – although we’re not due to leave until March 2019.

Exports to non-EU countries are also vital to the North East economy, and 4,002 businesses exported Catherine McKinnell says a People’s Vote on Brexit is needed goods to non-EU countries last year, bringing in £5.2bn.

That was an increase of nearly £590m compared to the year before.

But it means EU trade makes up more than half the value of the North East’s exports (59%), suggesting that if Brexit stops trade with the EU then there could be dire consequenc­es for the economy.

Mrs May is believed to be close to presenting her final Brexit deal to the Cabinet. If it wins their approval it will be formally published, leading eventually to a key Commons vote where MPs will have the chance to reject or endorse plans.

However, the outstandin­g issue continues to be the Irish border, which has held up negotiatio­ns since March.

Mr Simpson said: “More than half of our exports are reliant on EU trade. And much of the rest is reliant on free trade agreements we have with the EU.”

He said many businesses were concerned about the lack of informatio­n from the Government about what to expect after Brexit.

“In our Brexit survey, 50% of businesses that replied said that Government’s lack of engagement and lack of clarity over Brexit was affect- ing their preparatio­ns.

“You could say that while we’re not seeing a Brexit deficit yet, it could be a cloud on the horizon.”

It’s unclear whether Mrs May will be able to convince a majority of MPs to back her Brexit deal.

She will face opposition from hardline pro-Brexit MPs who feel she has made too many concession­s to the EU while some critics of Brexit may hope to force the Government to hold a “People’s Vote” or second referendum.

Labour is likely to order its MPs to vote against a deal in the hope of forcing a general election, although Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn appeared to say in his party conference speech in September that he could support the Government over Brexit in some circumstan­ces.

Mrs May will attempt to convince MPs that voting against her deal would simply lead to the UK leaving the EU without any deal at all, an outcome most MPs would oppose.

Newcastle North MP Catherine McKinnell said: “These figures highlight yet again just how important exports to the EU are for the North East’s economy and thousands of firms who provide good, local jobs.

“It’s absolutely critical we continue to have frictionle­ss trade and easy access to European markets – but the Prime Minister’s approach to Brexit has put this in jeopardy.

“This is hugely irresponsi­ble – and I really do think it’s time to step back from the brink and ask people if this is really what they want.

“Before the North East economy – and people’s livelihood­s – are put at risk, I firmly believe we need to go back to the country and ask the public if they are prepared to accept whatever deal the Prime Minister is able to come back with. We must have a People’s Vote.”

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EU exports are worth billions to the region, with £7.5bn of exports in 2017
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