Sunday Sun

Tattooist jailed after preying on youngster


- By Rob Kennedy

Court Reporter A SEX beast tattoo artist has been jailed for 18 years after carrying out a series of sickening sex attacks on a young girl.

Kris Nilsson targeted the youngster from a very young age while she begged him to stop, and then threatened her to ensure she kept her ordeal a secret.

Newcastle Crown Court heard the young victim eventually found the courage to report the 30-year-old pervert and bravely gave evidence against him during a trial, where he was convicted of multiple sex offences.

Recorder Nicholas Lumley QC told Nilsson: “You pose a high risk of harm to children”, and said he must sign the sex offenders register and abide by a sexual harm prevention order for life.

The judge said Nilsson has as “longstandi­ng sexual interest in young girls” and told him: “You sought to normalise, in her tender eyes, what you were doing to her, telling her you had done it to others and showing her child pornograph­y. “You caused her to be compliant. “You reinforced matters by threatenin­g her.”

The court heard the youngster has had medical and emotional problems since the attacks on her.

The judge told Nilsson: “The effects may not truly be known for many years but it is safe to conclude you have taken her innocence and permanentl­y altered the course of her life. Why? For your own sexual, selfish gratificat­ion.”

Prosecutor Gavin Doig read an impact statement from the victim’s mum, which said: “She is afraid to play out because she fears her abuser will find her and hurt her again.

“It is clear she had her childhood robbed from her.”

The mum said her little girl’s plight has Kris Nilsson, jailed for 18 years for sex attacks on a young girl been “torturous” and added: “My hope is, once the case is over, she can start to rebuild her life and become the happy and carefree person I know she can be.”

Nilsson, of Ashfield, Jarrow, denied wrongdoing during his trial but was convicted of a total of 14 offences.

Jurors found him guilty of two offences of rape, six of sexual assault on a child under 13, three of causing or inciting a child under 13 to engage in sexual activity and three of making indecent photograph­s of a child.

Sarah Vine, defending, said Nilsson’s family has been targeted after his conviction­s were made public in the press.

She said: “His family themselves have been on the receiving end of what are presumably intended as repercussi­ons for Mr Nilsson’s behaviour.”

Miss Vine said Nilsson’s mental health is “poor” and that his position in prison is “quite shocking”.

She added: “It is a matter of routine that food is served to the prisoners on that wing has human excrement deliberate­ly deposited in it, for the purpose of targeting vulnerable prisoners.” VICTIM’S MOTHER

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