Sunday Sun

Tributes paid to WW1 refuseniks


- By Chris Binding

Local democracy reporter COUNCILLOR­S have backed a motion paying tribute to the “courage and contributi­on” of conscienti­ous objectors during the First World War.

The motion, presented at Sunderland City Counci’s meeting on Wednesday by Liberal Democrats, called on councillor­s to remember Wearsiders who refused to bear arms during wartime.

It also suggested an event or memorial should be held for the objectors who lost the right to vote throughout the war for their beliefs.

Leader of Sunderland City Council’s Liberal Democrat and Others group, Coun Niall Hodson, launching the motion, noted recent remembranc­e services paying tribute to the Sunderland soldiers who died in the conflict.

“We all remember that there’s more than one side and story to any war and the stories of those who opposed the war and opposed service make the story of the First World War a little more complex,” he told councillor­s at Sunderland Civic Centre.

“These are people whose stories have historical­ly been neglected and I think, on the centenary of the armistice, it’s worth us rememberin­g them as well.”

During the war, not all conscienti­ous objectors stayed at home, the meeting heard.

Some served as frontline medics while others worked with relocated refugees or set up schemes to support nationals held in enemy internment camps.

To “bring the past closer to home,” Coun Hodson recounted the story of former Sunderland footballer Norman Gaudie, who was court martialed for objecting to the war on religious grounds.

After being sent to a military camp in France, Mr Gaudie escaped execution following government interventi­on.

He is also known as a member of the “Richmond 16” – a non-combatant group imprisoned in Richmond Castle, North Yorkshire for refusing to take on military duties.

Today, the group are remembered by the graffiti images, political slogans and portraits of loved ones they left behind on the walls of the former cell.

Coun Hodson added: “It’s of course essential that we remember soldiers from Wearside who were killed on the battlefiel­ds of the First World War. But those who opposed the war are also part of our story and I think it’s still a controvers­ial subject for a lot of people and often misunderst­ood.

“As a council we can do something to deal with that troubled past because conscienti­ous objectors like Norman Gaudie had an important bearing on our history.”

Conservati­ve councillor, William Blackett, while stressing his support for the work of conscienti­ous objectors who served as ambulance drivers and with the Red Cross, announced he would oppose the motion.

“I also wonder why Sunderland. Yes, it had a handful of objectors, for example Walter Summerbell, the son of Sunderland’s first Labour MP,” he said.

“However, this small number pales in comparison to the approximat­ely 25,000 Sunderland residents who served in World War One.

“Many objectors undoubtedl­y suffered for their beliefs and this is wrong but surely at this time we should be focusing on the suffering of the approximat­ely 7,000 Sunderland residents who gave their lives or were maimed in the mud of Flanders while serving their country.”

Cabinet secretary, Coun Paul Stewart, backing the motion, noted the links between the history of conscienti­ous objectors and the history of the Labour Party.

This included many objectors doing so on political grounds with the majority being members of the independen­t Labour party, he explained.

“It’s a case that many of these ended up in jail, often for up to 10 years because of their beliefs,” he added.

“Although there’s an opinion to say it’s important to serve your country it’s also important if you have strong beliefs, whether they’re religious or political, that you stand by those and that that should be respected.”

The motion was carried with 53 votes for and six against.

The motion, backed by council, reads, in part:

“Council notes with sadness the appalling way in which conscienti­ous objectors were treated during and after the First World War.

“In this, the centenary of the armistice, the council recognises the courage and contributi­on made by conscienti­ous objectors from Sunderland.

“Accordingl­y, council resolves to call on the chief executive to look into the feasibilit­y of an event or lasting memorial to the Sunderland’s conscienti­ous objectors.” Conscienti­ous objector Norman Gaudie

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