Sunday Sun

Spare pub from its last orders

- By Maria Cassidy Reporter

A COMMUNITY has joined forces to ask Sunderland City Council to save the Thorney Close Inn.

The pub, on Thorndale Road, Sunderland, is the last remaining pub on the estate but could face an uncertain future as the current management is understood to be considerin­g moving on.

The decision has prompted fears from residents that the owner of the building may not try to find a new pub landlord, and will instead convert it into a shop, take away or sell the site for housing.

The community has now come together to ask the council to give the pub protection­s by listing it as an Asset of Community Value.

It means that if the Thorney Close Inn was put up for sale, a six-month period would be triggered giving the community the chance to find someone to keep running it as a pub, or to come up with a bid to take it over themselves and run it as a community pub.

It would also give protection against any applicatio­ns to demolish the pub or change the building’s use from a pub into a shop or anything else.

A total of 21 residents are needed to formally request that the pub is given Asset of Community Value protection by the city council.

Paul Edgeworth, who is organising the efforts to get the Thorney Close Inn listed, said: “People are worried about the future of Thorney Club if the current management decide to move on.

“If the club is put up for sale by the building’s owner or gets converted into a shop or housing then we would be losing a really important community meeting place.

“Local pubs and clubs are vital to tackling loneliness and social isolation – they should be protected, and the Thorney Close Inn should stay as a pub in the future instead of being turned into yet another shop or more housing.

“That’s why we are working with local councillor­s Stephen O’brien and Margaret Crosby to convince Sunderland Council to give the Thorney Close Inn Asset of Community Value status to help keep it as a local pub in the future.”

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