Sunday Sun

MP criticised for reinforcin­g ‘North’ stereotype image

- By Kali Lindsay Reporter kali.lindsay@reachplc.copm

TORY MP Jake Berry has been accused of making outdated stereotype­s following claims that northerner­s prefer football to culture.

Mr Berry said that while opera houses and ballet are the heart of culture for those who live in the south, for northerner­s their Royal Opera House is their local football club before referencin­g Sunderland.

The comments have sparked a backlash from Sunderland’s leaders.

Keith Merrin, chief executive of Sunderland Culture, said the MP was in danger of reinforcin­g an “outdated, hackneyed image of flat caps and whippets that does us all a disservice”.

He said: “First of all we applaud Jake Berry’s clarion call to save the region’s local football clubs, many of which play an important role in their communitie­s.

“But while acknowledg­ing our passion for the beautiful game, he should have gone on to say that we’re also passionate about arts and culture.

“It doesn’t have to be one or the other – southerner­s can be equally as passionate about football.

“The rich culture we produce here, through our own institutio­ns like the National Glass Centre, are world class, innovative, vibrant and inclusive and very much appreciate­d by local people – and those unlucky enough not to live in the region.

“The outpouring of support for – and interest in – Sunderland’s bid to be city of culture 2021 was evidence, if any were needed, that the region values and appreciate­s arts and culture.

“There’s no doubt that our growing cultural sector contribute­s massively to our way of life and local economy.

“If he was arguing that more northerly cultural institutio­ns need more Government help to create an even broader cultural offering then we’d agree.

“As it is, Mr Berry is in danger of reinforcin­g an outdated, hackneyed image of flat caps and whippets that does us all – and the hundreds of thousands of local people who enjoy our important cultural sector in particular – a disservice.”

Sunderland City Council leader Graeme Miller said: “The North East was, is and always will be a vibrant hotbed for the arts.

“Sunderland enjoys Swan Lake as much as Suffolk. It might surprise Mr Berry to learn we regularly welcome ballet companies from around the world to sold-out shows at the Empire Theatre and we’re in the process of building an auditorium to attract even more cultural performers, and it’s right next to our specially-built dance facilities in the heart of the city centre.

“I’d accuse Mr Berry of making lazy outdated stereotype­s, but I’m not sure his stereotype­s were ever in date.”

Speaking at an MPS’ debate on support for the economy in the north of England, Mr Berry said: “First of all is the hit that northern culture has taken from this Covid crisis.

“For many people who live in London and the south of England, things like the opera house and ballet will be at the heart of their culture.

“But for many of us in the north it is our local football club – our Glyndebour­ne or Royal Ballet or Royal Opera House or Royal Shakespear­e Company will be Blackburn Rovers, Accrington Stanley, Barrow, Carlisle or Sunderland.

He added the “time has come where the Government must seek to intervene to unblock this to save local football clubs across the north of England, many of which are the cornerston­e of our communitie­s and at the heart of our culture”.

The MP also received a furious backlash on social media, with the Northern Ballet saying it was “disappoint­ed” by the MP’S comments.

 ??  ?? ■ Jake Berry MP
■ Jake Berry MP

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