Sunday Sun

Thug punched his own mum in the face


- By Kieran Murray Reporter

A DRUNK thug banned by a court from seeing his own mum has been jailed after punching her in the face.

Graeme Dillon breached his restrainin­g order for a sixth time in just over two years by turning up at his mother’s home “clearly intoxicate­d” on October 8.

On this occasion, Newcastle Crown Court heard the 42-year-old knocked on the door and shouted “grass” and “sl**” through the letterbox.

Dillon punched the door before taunting his mum, saying “look what I’m going to do” as he spat on her white Vauxhall Astra.

Ellen Wright, prosecutin­g, told the court the victim waited for her son to leave before going out to clean her car.

She said: “Dillon came back with the victim telling him ‘get yourself back or I’ll ring the police’.

“He punched her to the right side of the face and jaw. She fell off the kerb and into the street. She fell to the ground and she injured her right shoulder and left elbow.”

The victim also sustained bruising to the cheek and a cut lip as a result of the attack.

A neighbour came outside to chase Dillon, of Armstrong Road, Benwell, from the scene before calling the police.

In a victim impact statement, his mum described how she was in “turmoil” because she loved her son but could not accept his behaviour while under the influence of alcohol.

The court heard how this was the sixth time Dillon had breached the restrainin­g order forbidding him from contacting his mother since it came into force in July 2018.

One breach involved Dillon banging on the door of his mum’s home and calling her a “diseased f****** pig” and a “grass”.

Dillon was arrested and later pleaded guilty to assault by beating and breaching a restrainin­g order.

Judge Penny Moreland jailed him for 14 months, of which he must serve half before being released on licence.

She told him: “You turn up at your mum’s home drunk and assaulted her by striking her in the face. Your mum is in turmoil. She says she loves you but you have behaved in an intolerabl­e way.

“Your offending is significan­t. This is your sixth breach over a two-year period.”

Jamie Adams, mitigating, said his client’s behaviour had declined following the break-up of the 24-year relationsh­ip with his wife.

He said: “When in drink he is a totally different person to the one who has behaved the way he has. He behaved appallingl­y and he had no awareness of what he was doing.”

Dillon’s restrainin­g order was also extended until June, 8, 2022.

 ??  ?? ■ Graeme Dillon
■ Graeme Dillon

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