Sunderland Echo

Birthday man urinated against library wall


A MAN has apologised in court after he urinated against the wall of a library before horrified onlookers.

Anthony Robinson, who celebrated his 40th birthday the previous night, relieved himself in Fawcett Street, Sunderland, in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon.

A passing police officer on duty in Holmeside, on September 29, spotted a crowd outside Yates’ Wine Lodge looking towards Robinson, Sunderland magistrate­s heard.

But Robinson, of The Lodge, Burdon Road, Houghton, walked off when he realised he had an audience and was followed into Athenaeum Street, where he was asked to do up his trousers.

“He showed all the signs of being drunk,” prosecutor Paul Anderson told the court.

“He asked what was going on and the officers explained he had been seen urinating.

“He was asked to button his trousers up and fasten his belt.”

The court heard Robinson, who is self- employed, became abusive and was arrested for being drunk and disorderly.

“A number of people could see what was go- ing on,” Mr Anderson added. Robinson represente­d himself in court.

He said: “I’d had a party on Saturday night and was going to watch the match and had been topping up. “But there was no excuse. “I can only apologise to anyone I offended and anyone who was in the area. I was out of order.

“It was my 40th birthday weekend and I shouldn’t really be doing that at my age.”

Robinson was fined £ 200 and was told to pay a £ 20 victim surcharge and £ 85 costs.

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