Sunderland Echo

Big sacrifice to help Kian

- By KATY WHEELER katy. wheeler@ northeast- press. co. uk Twitter: @ SunEchoKat­y

TEENAGERS are turning their back on technology today to help a schoolboy who is fighting cancer.

Four friends are ditching their smartphone­s, laptops and tablets for 24 hours in a bid to raise funds for Kian’s Gift, a charity set up by the family of four- year- old Kian Armstrong.

The Castletown youngster is undergoing radiothera­py as part of an ongoing battle with neuroblast­oma.

But despite facing his own problems, Kian is determined to help others and came up with the idea of buying a caravan in Haggerston Castle for other young patients to visit between treatments.

After hearing about the cause, schoolgirl­s Kira Collinson, 13, from Southwick; Elisha Underwood, 13, from Red House; Alice Fenwick, 13, from Castletown; and Lei Garlinge, 14, from South Shields, were inspired to do their bit.

Alice’s mum, Linda, said: “The girls decided they wanted to do something to help, and we tried to think of something that would be hard for them to do.

“The girls are constantly on their phones and iPads, but we’re going to remove everything so there’s no temptation.

“We’re very proud of them for wanting to help.”

Kian was inspired to help other children after a holiday to Haggerston Castle.

Mum Jemma, 30, of Parkhouse Avenue, said: “Kian loves it up there, and he is adamant he wants other kids to be able to go there.

“He sat down with me and drew up a logo and came up with the name Kian’s Gift.”

As well as fund- raising from sponsored events, money is being raised through the sale of Kian’s Gift wristbands.

Jemma said: “I think for teenagers to go without technology for a whole day is amazing. We’re really touched that they are doing something to help.”

Kian was first diagnosed with neuroblast­oma, a rare cancer that develops from nerve cells, in March last year when he was just two.

He finished his last round of treatment this summer and his family were looking forward to a future free of cancer, only to be told that a six- millimetre tumour remains in his stomach.

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