Sunderland Echo

Pavements and roads a disgrace


I THOROUGHLY agree with Brian Robson regarding the terrible state of Sunderland roads ( Echo October 19).

The pavements are also a disgrace, even in the town centre. I dread to think what visitors to the city think.

Holmeside and Vine Place are probably the worst, with rocking flagstones, broken ones and lots of them covered in grease, dried drinks and chewing gum.

Then there are the uneven ones waiting to cause accidents and pain. They might as well replace them with tarmac.

I am sick of excuses and the Council blaming Government cuts. This Council wasted tax- payers’ money long before these cuts.

Also what have they done with all the reserves amassed before cutbacks? They should have money to dip into because they haven’t spend it on regenerati­on like Newcastle and Gateshead.

We haven’t even got a statue or art work in the High Street like other places have.

They got it wrong years ago when they put one outside WH Smith. It should have been on a high plinth so that children weren’t using it as a climbing frame or seat.

Since they have got everything wrong for decades, I think there should be some sort of law to remove them from power.

How many more millions of pounds are going to waste? How many more years are we going to see a boring, ugly, degenerati­ng old- fashioned centre?

When will voters wake up and do something about it? Name and address supplied

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