Sunderland Echo

Burglar behind bars

- By KARON KELLY echo. news@ northeast- press. co. uk Twitter: @ sunderland­echo

A BURGLAR who raided and ransacked his next door neighbour’s home has been put behind bars.

The victim said she was left “sickened” at the thought of Paul Reay invading the house she has lived in for more than 20 years, while she and her husband were out at work.

A BURGLAR who raided and ransacked his next door neighbour’s home has been put behind bars.

The victim said she was left “sickened” at the thought of Paul Reay invading the house she has lived in for more than 20 years, while she and her husband were out at work.

Newcastle Crown Court heard more than £ 2,000- worth of property was taken during the break- in and more than £ 1,000- worth of damage caused.

The family dog, which they call their baby, was locked away in a room by Reay, who was out on licence from a previous prison sentence for burglary, during the raid.

The court heard precious jewellery was taken and not all of the property has been returned.

The 57- year- old victim, who lives at the house with her husband, said she now fears going out as she is worried about what she will come home to.

She told police in an impact statement: “I am very upset about what they did to my dog. He is my baby and they locked him away in the living room when they burgled my house.

“I am scared, anxious and upset about what happened.

“My life at the moment has been ruined by this.

“I am sickened a neighbour would do this to us.”

Reay, 31, of Tunstall Villas, Sunderland, who has a “substantia­l record” and has spent 12 of the last 15 years in prison, admitted burglary and was yesterday jailed for four years.

Mr Recorder Barker told him: “I recognise you have spent a significan­t period of your adult life in custody but, of course, you only have yourself to blame for that.

“You committed this burglary knowing you were on licence for an offence of burglary, knowing that you have appeared before the courts many times before.”

Barry Robson, defending, said Reay had tried hard to find work and turn his life around after his latest release but was repeatedly rejected.

Mr Robson said Reay had four emailed rejections on the day of the raid.

 ??  ?? BEHIND BARS: Paul Reay.

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