Sunderland Echo

‘ Dull lessons... for a top rating’

Inspection­s are barrier to creativity in class – report

- By SUE KIRBY sue. kirby@ northeast- press. co. uk Twitter: @ sunechosch­ools

TEACHERS are making their lessons dull on purpose to impress Ofsted inspectors, claim Wearside researcher­s.

A report from the University of Sunderland claims teachers have to make their lessons dull and mechanical during Ofsted inspection­s in an attempt to be judged outstandin­g.

Instead of making the lessons enjoyable and creative, the report claims teachers are constraine­d and the push for conformity is hindering progress in deprived schools.

The report, ‘ Supporting outstandin­g pupil progress in schools in an area of social and economic deprivatio­n’, focused on a cluster of schools in disadvanta­ged areas and what behaviours make an outstandin­g teacher, contributi­ng to outstandin­g student progress.

Ofsted is a key barrier for students to learn because of its insistence on having objectives at the start of the lesson, which does not always work with each student, the report reveals.

It adds that creativity should be harnessed and encouraged in learning, as well as making it more personalis­ed.

The report states: “The push for conformity can hinder progress. More risk is needed at times, more ‘ off- the- wall’ activities and more enjoyment.

“Doing things the ‘ Ofsted’ way, you can sometimes lose sight of the love of learning.”

Several staff interviewe­d said that always having the objectives at the start of the lesson goes against ideas of discovery and student- centred learning and can make lessons dull and mechanical.

The report said the Pupil Premium is inadequate to counter disadvanta­ges, and decisions about educationa­l policy are made, for the most part, by very rich and privileged people who have never understood such levels of deprivatio­n.

Researcher­s concluded that in disadvanta­ged areas, learning needs to be more personalis­ed and students need more motivation.

Professor Bridget Cooper, director of the Centre for Pedagogy at the University of Sunderland, who led the report, said: “It is obvious from this report that schools in socially and economical­ly deprived areas need more generous and more appropriat­e funding.

“Those in power need to understand and take into account the effort teachers in those schools have to make to counteract the multiplici­ty of needs of their students for their entire school lives.

“It is completely unfair and irrelevant to compare these schools, teachers and children throughout their academic life unfavourab­ly with schools which do not have to meet such great need as the teachers have to work even harder.”

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