Sunderland Echo

An incorrect notion


THE Letter from Mr D Swann ( June 30) claims “everybody keeps saying that people use their benefits on going on holiday, tabs or drink”.

I hate to disabuse you of this notion, but you are incorrect when you state “everybody”.

I for one ( and I know of many others), do not share this view.

It is an oft stated refrain, for the bigoted and narrow minded, and merely reinforces the wrongful belief that those on benefits are lazy, idle scroungers.

An idea perpetuate­d by politician­s of many persuasion­s, along with the press and media et al.

For more than 10 years, those on benefits have been used as modern day scapegoats for many of the todays ills, which are not their fault, nor within their remit to influence.

This view merely reinforces the erroneous conclusion and further alienates those, who in many instances, society has already excluded.

Finally, the idea that benefits be put on some sort of “debit card” is not going to be introduced. If it were, then whichever Government that was in power, would have to justify why, in the vast, vast majority of cases, those on benefits had to “exist” on such a pitiful amount.

How many single unemployed people can live on about £ 60 per week to cover food, electric, gas, water, council tax, household necessitie­s etc which many well heeled MPs have claimed in the past?

Or is Mr Swann going to fall back on the tactic of obfuscatio­n and misdirecti­on of comparing the employed and unemployed poor? Steve Colborn, Seaham

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