Sunderland Echo

Plucky Ewan inspires pals

- By SUE KIRBY sue. kirby@ northeast- press. co. uk Twitter: @ sunechosch­ools

A SICK youngster has inspired his school pals to raise cash for charity.

Ten- year- old Ewan Patton suffers from a rare lung disease, and this week his friends at Hetton Lyons Primary School handed over almost £ 800 to the Breathtake­rs charity, which has supported the youngster and his family.

Ewan was diagnosed with the debilitati­ng disease, obliterati­ve bronchioli­tis ( OB) – a rare and irreversib­le lung condition – which could lead to him needing a transplant in the future.

Every year, Hetton Lyons Primary holds a community fun day and chooses a charity to benefit from the money it makes.

This year, the event raised £ 1,570, which was divided between Breathtake­rs, which has supported Ewan, and Diabetes UK, which has helped the families of other children at the school who have diabetes.

Ewan’s mum Elizabeth went along to the school to accept the money on behalf of the charity.

The Easington Lane mumoffour, said: “I was absolutely overwhelme­d with the amount of money from the school. It is fantastic.”

Breathtake­rs is the only charity in the country which supports sufferers of OB and their families, and Ewan himself raised £ 370 by doing the Junior Great North Run.

Elizabeth said the charity is raising money to buy specialise­d equipment for the RVI Hospital in Newcastle.

Ewan, who was born five weeks early and also has curvature of the spine, can often be so breathless he cannot get off the settee.

But, the Easington Lane youngster does his best to live life to the full.

Elizabeth said: “He hasn’t been doing so well recently, but he is an inspiratio­n. He is always smiling and wants to lead a happy life.

“We keep positive too and that impacts on Ewan.”

During the autumn and winter months Ewan loses a lot of school days because of his condition, but Elizabeth said the staff at Hetton Lyons have always been hugely supportive.

She said: “They have been amazing, they have supported Ewan, supported us as a family and now are supporting Breathtake­rs.”

 ??  ?? OVER THE MOON: Ewan Patton is delighted his school has managed to raise more than £ 700 for the Breathtake­rs charity. Ewan is pictured with fellow Hetton Lyons pupils Chloe Hodgson, Lilly McAllister, Cameron Ridley and Gabe Stafford, and his dad and...
OVER THE MOON: Ewan Patton is delighted his school has managed to raise more than £ 700 for the Breathtake­rs charity. Ewan is pictured with fellow Hetton Lyons pupils Chloe Hodgson, Lilly McAllister, Cameron Ridley and Gabe Stafford, and his dad and...

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