Sunderland Echo

Dig in for National Gardening Week


National Gardening Week was launched five years ago by the Royal Horticultu­ral Society (RHS) and has grown into the country’s biggest celebratio­n of gardening. This year’s event runs from Monday, April 11, to Sunday, April 17, and the theme is Get Fit in the Garden.

A number of activities will take place at the four RHS gardens (our nearest is Harlow Carr, in Harrogate), but the emphasis in on how gardens can have a positive effect on our mental and physical wellbeing on our own plot.

If you fancy a day out, National Gardens Open Day is on Friday, April 15, when the RHS gardens and some of their partners are open for free.

Get involved – would you like to throw a garden party, love your neighbourh­ood park or think your local street could do with a tidy up? Run your own event and register it with the RHS online.

The emphasis is on using initiative to improve your environmen­t:

l Get a few people together to clean up an unused or neglected space (with permission).

l Hold a fund-raising event for a community garden or project. Hold a cake sale, a sponsored weeding marathon or a bring and buy sale.

l Organise some family activities. Get children to make a paper pot and plant a sunflower seed inside. Run a mask making or face painting session with butterflie­s, flowers, bugs and beasties as themes.

The RHS has recipe cards, activity sheets and factsheets from its Things To Do section online at www. nationalga­rdeningwee­

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