Sunderland Echo


- By Karon Kelly Twitter: @sunderland­echo

An attacker who stabbed his brother-in-law during a street confrontat­ion after years of family feuding has been jailed for five years.

David Briton, 43, plunged a piece of glass into Steven Caulkin’s neck and shoulder during a fight in Padgate Road, Sunderland, which happened in front of horrified onlookers in November.

The violence, which was captured on CCTV, left Mr Caulkin, who is Briton’s wife’s brother, needing sutures to the back of his neck and shoulder.

Briton, of Poole Road, Sunderland, admitted wounding with intent.

Judge Penny Moreland told him: “The people who lived there were treated to the spectacle of you and Steven Caulkin brawling in broad daylight.

“There were passers by who must have been horrified to see this sort of conduct. It was afternoon, when children were coming home from school.”

Prosecutor Matthew Bean said Mr Caulkin had been out on his bike when Briton and his wife went past in the car and angry words were exchanged.

Footage of the fight, which was played in court, showed both men abandon their vehicles before coming together to throw punches.

The court heard witnesses believed the weapon to be a spear or spike, but Briton pleaded guilty on the basis he used a piece of glass.

Mr Bean told the court Briton has a previous conviction for violence involving members of his wife’s family and claims he has been stabbed by Mr Caulkin in the past.

Alec Burns, defending Briton, told the court: “There was as great deal of provocatio­n.

“This feud between his wife’s family has been going on for many, many years. He doesn’t want to be involved in it, but cannot avoid it.

“This has been going on for years and it has spiralled out of control.”

Mr Burns said Briton, who is his wife’s carer, was “at the end of his tether” and gravely regrets his behaviour that day.

He added Briton’s family has a panic alarm and fireproof letterbox fitted at their home and moved house on Boxing Day.

“There were passers-by who must have been horrified” JUDGE MORELAND

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 ??  ?? Padgate Road. Inset, David Briton.
Padgate Road. Inset, David Briton.

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