Sunderland Echo

Club steward groped women

- By Karon Kelly Twitter: @Sunderland­echo

A Sunderland club steward who groped two women then claimed his outrageous behaviour as just “banter” has been put behind bars.

David Owens was in charge at the Mill View Social Club in Sunderland when he sexually assaulted two victims.

The 56-year-old had claimed there was an atmosphere of playful “banter” and said his victims had tried to “ruin his life” with the accusation­s.

Prosecutor Anne Richardson told Newcastle Crown Court: “He accused them of trying to ruin his life.”

On the day he was due to be tried by a jury, Owens pleaded guilty to three charges of sexual assault and has now been jailed for two years.

Judge Neil Davey told him: “I do not accept the suggestion you could have thought it was banter.”

The court heard both women were left sickened by their ordeals.

Owens, of Holylake Square, Hylton Lane, Sunderland, has since been dismissed from the club for unrelated matters.

Tony Hawks, defending, said Owens has accepted total responsibi­lity for what he did, is sorry and wants to publicly apologise.

Mr Hawks said Owens’ guilty plea saved both women from having to relive their ordeals from the witness box.

The court heard Owens has already and will continue to suffer for his behaviour.

Mr Hawks said: “He has lost his job, his health has deteriorat­ed, he has disgraced himself in his own family and in his own community.”

Owens must sign the sex offenders register for 10 years.

 ??  ?? Mill View Social club.
Mill View Social club.

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