Sunderland Echo

City’s voice must be heard in Brexit talks


In my last column for the Sunderland Echo, I wrote about the need for us to get the best deal possible out of the EU exit negotiatio­ns and the importance of local elected representa­tives listening and learning from the referendum vote to ensure the voices of the people of Sunderland are heard loud and clear in the coming months and years ahead.

Now that we have a new Cabinet in place, which is led by our second female Prime Minister, Theresa May, it is now time for politician­s to hold her and her government to account on the upcoming negotiatio­ns. This is especially true of the three key Cabinet positions of Foreign Secretary, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union and Secretary of State for Internatio­nal Trade; which are all occupied by key Brexiteers.

That is why last week I welcomed the launch of a public consultati­on by the North East’s two Labour MEPs, Jude Kirton-Darling and Paul Brennan, who are planning to engage with business leaders, universiti­es, civil society, trade unions and community groups and most importantl­y, ordinary people, to understand what they want to come out of the EU exit negotiatio­ns.

This consultati­on will be important to allow the voices of people here in Sunderland, and across the North-East, to be heard by those in Whitehall and Brussels, especially when it is unclear exactly what will come of these negotiatio­ns.

This is even more concerning when only hours after the result was announced for us to leave the EU, that those leading Leave campaigner­s reneged on some of their key campaign promises, such as the additional funding to the NHS, and since then have sadly been unable to outline what a post-Brexit Britain would look like, on policy such as worker’s rights and if we will remain in the single market or not.

It is clear that we face uncertain times and protracted negotiatio­ns; however, it is important that we all come together and make sure that our City’s voice is heard and the fragile economic prosperity we have seen is not weakened further by this Tory Government failing to recognise the support the people of our City need to thrive.

I hope as many Wearsiders as possible will get involved in Jude’s and Paul’s consultati­on, and will visit the Plan for The North East website here: http://www.northeastl­ plan and take part in the consultati­on’s survey so we can try and ensure that this government can get the best outcome for the people of Sunderland and deliver on what the Leave campaign promised for Brexit.

 ??  ?? Theresa May must be held to account over the talks.
Theresa May must be held to account over the talks.
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