Sunderland Echo

We can only presume Koné has been taking in t


Have you ever known a footballer’s injury to be met with as much open scepticism as Lamine Koné’s “bad back”? It’s the sort of thing I used to say to PE teachers when we had to play something called rugby.

Bad back is a decidedly vague diagnosis. Footballer­s usually have sexy injuries like shuddering cartilage, or housemaid’s metatarsal. Cynicism is rife.

But Koné has said: “I give my word that I will give my utmost <to Sunderland> in training and on the field.”

That’s good enough for me. No question of malingerin­g. No way.

The subject of a derisory £18m bid from Everton, Koné has been to Merseyside recently. This must have been for the Magical Mystery Tour of Beatles landmarks (£16.95 including commentary); otherwise there could be outrageous accusation­s of tapping up.

Last week he was offered an improved contract by Sunderland, which he turned down. The terms were unsatisfac­tory, although you wonder if they would have sufficed had not the club’s desperatio­n been heightened by the sale of his colleague. The bad back came 24 hours after Kaboul’s departure.

There has been no word recently from Koné’s agent; or from other equally respected members of society such as fly-tippers, burglars and people who drink White Ace cider in telephone boxes.

Agents truly are a sceptic boil on the bum of football; parasitic chancers, merely serving as conduits for illicit approaches for

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