Sunderland Echo

A golden monument for Beth


- By Lisa Nightingal­e lisa.nightingal­ Twitter: @lnightinga­lejp

An iconic Wearside landmark will be bathed in gold light after a request by the Wearside family of a cancer survivor.

Penshaw Monument will be turned gold from next Monday until September 12, as part of the Glow Gold September campaign.

The initiative – launched by families of young people diagnosed with cancer – aims to raise awareness of childhood cancer throughout September, which is Childhood Cancer Awareness month.

The gold light will be bestowed on the historic monumentaf­terareques­tbyKaren McCaffrey.

Her daughter Beth, now nine, was diagnosed with leukaemia at the age of four.

For two years she underwent chemothera­py and steroid treatment to help her battle the disease.

Mrs McCaffrey, from Sunderland, said: “The main aim is getting the colour gold synonymous with childhood cancer and September, in the same way you think pink for breast cancer in October.

“With increased awareness of childhood cancer, comes greater awareness of the early signs and symptoms, earlier diagnosis, increased funding and increased research and ultimately a change in the prognosis for children diagnosed with childhood cancer.”

Mrs McCaffrey, who was supported by children’s cancer charity CLIC Sargent following her daughter’s diagnosis, added: “When Beth was diagnosed, it was a massive shock, because she didn’t really seem to have any symptoms.

“We’d just come back from holiday and she had been fine. She’d had a bad leg, which had started that morning when I dropped her off at nursery. When the GP heard, she was sent straight to Sunderland Royal Hospital.

“We can’t affect what has happened to us and our children, but we can make a difference for others and ensure there is a future for those children.”

According to figures from CLIC Sargent every day. 10 children and young people are diagnosed with cancer.

Area fundraisin­g manager for CLIC Sargent Dee Tyler said: “I am completely in awe of what the Glow Gold Sep- tember campaign team have achieved. They have recruited venues from the Millennium Bridge in Newcastle to Los Angeles Airport in America.”

For informatio­n on the Glow Gold campaign, visit­ptember

For informatio­n on CLIC Sargent, visit www.clicsargen­,uk

 ??  ?? Beth McCaffrey and, left, Penshaw Monument, which will be bathed in gold from next week to raise awareness of childhood cancer.
Beth McCaffrey and, left, Penshaw Monument, which will be bathed in gold from next week to raise awareness of childhood cancer.
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