Sunderland Echo

Age determines PIP transfer


Q . I have been claiming Disability Living Allowance (DLA) and I have just started getting my State Pension. Will I keep getting DLA or will I have to claim Personal Independen­ce Payment or Attendance Allowance? A

. If you were under 65 when Personal Independen­ce Payment (PIP) was introduced on April 8, 2013 then you will be sent correspond­ence to start the transfer to PIP and your DLA claim will come to an end. If you were over 65 when PIP was introduced then you will not be automatica­lly required to transfer.

Q . I have my own property and my son is going to move back in with me as he has separated from his wife. Will this affect any of my benefits? I receive a State Retirement Pension, Pension Credit and Council Tax Reduction. He is currently studying full time at university. A

. As your son is a full time student he will not have an affect on your benefits. Generally, a non dependant deduction would be taken from your Council Tax Reduction for non-dependant adults living in the property, however, full time students are exempt from this rule.

Q . I was claiming DLA for my son until August 2016, but I forgot to inform HMRC until December. They have now reduced my tax credits to even lower than they were before I was getting DLA for him. I have rang them, but they keep telling me that it is correct. A

. Tax credits are calculated annually, so every April your annual award is calculated based on the circumstan­ces you have told HMRC about. As your son was considered disabled, your award would have included a ‘disabled child element’. When the DLA award ended the disabled child element should have been removed. As HMRC were not told of the change within one month you will have received too much child tax credit between August and December. By reducing your payments until April HMRC aim to reduce or even prevent any overpaymen­t from running into the new tax year.

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