Sunderland Echo

Home’s residents support dignity


Staff and residents at a Sunderland care facility have mor than £1,200 as part of a national event.

Highcliffe care home in Witherwack supported Dignity Action Day through a variety of activities and entertainm­ent.

The facility, which is part of the Avery group of care homes, held afternoon teas, musical entertainm­ent and even a balloon release.

Residents also placed messages on a special tree highlighti­ng what dignity meant to them.

Highcliffe and its visitors helped to raise the money for the worthy cause to help enable a positive experience of care now and for the future.

Jan Burns MBE, chairwoman of the National Dignity Council, said: “We are delighted that Avery Healthcare’s 45 homes supported Dignity Action Day and that all have ‘Dignity Champions’ who raise awareness of what dignity means to each individual in their care.

“This fundraisin­g cheque is the largest single donation we have ever received and will help us to continue our campaign to promote dignity as a human right, accessible by all.”

Dignity Action Day is an annual opportunit­y for health and social care workers and members of the public to come together to uphold people’s rights to dignity and provide a truly memorable day for those who use care services.

Avery Healthcare is a national operator.

“This fundraisin­g cheque is the largest single donation”” JAN BURNS

 ??  ?? With the cheque are Ian Matthews, co-founder of Avery Healthcare, and Jan Burns MBE, chairwoman of National Dignity Council.
With the cheque are Ian Matthews, co-founder of Avery Healthcare, and Jan Burns MBE, chairwoman of National Dignity Council.

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