Sunderland Echo

Pools boss excited for Pompey test


Boss Dave Jones is relishing Hartlepool United’s crack at League Two high-fliers Portsmouth and sees Lewis Alessandra as a key man to their hopes.

The in-form attacker is one of the players to shine since the arrival of the Jones regime, scoring five times in the last six games.

Alessandra will be one of the chief supports to leading marksman Padraig Amond against Pompey at the Northern Gas & Power Stadium tomorrow (kickoff 3pm).

“Lewie’s technicall­y very good, he’s a threat and he’s gained a lot of confidence,” said Jones.

“There is a bit of a swagger about him, which is good.

“He’s one of the players who has bought into what we are trying to do. It seems to fit well with him and we’re seeing the best of him.”

Pools will need the former Plymouth striker at his best tomorrow if they are to get close to third-top visitors Pompey.

“If we are at our best and cut out the silly mistakes that we make sometimes then we can be match for anyone in this division,” added Jones.

“If we play to the best of our ability and everyone stays focused, we have a chance.”

Portsmouth have won six of their last 10 matches, scoring 19 goals. Jones said: “They have a very good team, really good players, and a fantastic support. I’m looking forward to seeing them. They’ll be hard to beat, and if we do get a result we’ll have earned it.”

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