Sunderland Echo

Beggar arrested after giving false name to police


A beggar was arrested after giving a false name to the police.

Bernard Conlin was begging in Crowtree Road in Sunderland when he came to the attention of police, South Northumbri­a Magistrate­s’ Court heard.

“He was sitting on the pavement facing passersby,” said Lee Poppett, prosecutin­g.

“His hand was outstretch­ed, palm upwards, and members of the public were seen to give him coins.

“When questioned by police, Conlin gave the name of David Watkins, and he gave Mr Watkins’ date of birth.

“Once his correct identity was establishe­d, it became apparent he is in breach of a suspended sentence imposed earlier this year by magistrate­s at Peterlee.”

Conlin, 25, of no fixed abode, admitted begging or trying to gather alms, obstructin­g a police officer, and breach of a suspended sentence, all on September 6.

Angus Westgarth, defending, said: “Mr Conlin has been living on the streets for the past few months after his sister moved to Belfast.

“He literally has nowhere to live, and he has no money other than £3 in his pocket.

“The offences themselves are not so serious, and certainly don’t merit a prison sentence on their own.

“Activating the suspended sentence would be harsh in the circumstan­ces.

“Mr Conlin is willing to work with probation.”

Conlin was sentenced to a conditiona­l discharge of 12 months, and ordered to do an extra three days of rehabilita­tion activity.

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