Sunderland Echo

Waspi women sting back

- By Richard Ord

It’s easy to understand why there is some sympathy for the Waspi women, but not exactly an overwhelmi­ng sense of injustice across society.

After all, it’s only fair that, in the modern age, men and women should be treated equally and if that means both sexes now have to retire at 66, then surely that is equality in action?

You can’t demand equality and then cry foul when that equality works against you. Isn’t that just sour grapes? Well, no it’s not.

Of course, it’s only fair that men and women are treated the same, but in this case, the new ruling not only leaves some women out of pocket by a considerab­le amount, but also fails to consider the inequaliti­es these women lived and worked under for decades previously.

Women born after April 6, 1950 risk losing up to £45,000 from their pension pot. That is a straight fact.

However, when these women started working, they did so, in many cases, before the Sex Discrimina­tion and Equal Pay Act come into force. This being just one disadvanta­ge of many faced during their years of working life.

They worked for years for less money than men for doing the same job, and, undoubtedl­y for less recognitio­n than their male counterpar­ts. And to add insult to injury, when they come to retire, they are hit again financiall­y, and all in the name of equality!

What is important to remember in this issue, is that the Waspi women are not calling for the pension age to returned to 60 for women, far from it.

They are just asking for help so they can enjoy a retirement and pension they have not only worked for, but deserve.

Our sympathy should be with these women, who are not being treated fairly.

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