Sunderland Echo

DNA appeal to Black Cats supporters

- By Kevin Clark Twitter: @kevinclark­jp

Police hunting the killer of little Nikki Allan 25 years ago will appeal to crowds at the Stadium of Light this weekend.

The seven-year-old vanished while walking home to her flat in Wear Garth, Hendon, in October 1992.

Police hunting the killer of little Nikki Allan 25 years ago will appeal to crowds at the Stadium of Light this weekend.

The seven-year-old vanished while walking home to her flat in Wear Garth, Hendon, in October 1992.

Her body was found next day in the derelict Quayside Exchange building, just yards away. She had been repeatedly stabbed.

Neighbour George Heron was charged with he murder, but acquitted after a trial judge accused police of heavy-handed tactics and refused to allow the jury to hear a taped confession.

Northumbri­a Police confirmed in April that it was dedicating a new forensics team to revisiting the DNA evidence.

The force revealed last week that officers had recovered further forensic results, including some DNA from a male, and were appealing for any man who may have innocently come into contact with Nikki to come forward so they can be eliminated from inquiries.

Detectives will be leafleting fans ahead of the Black Cats’ clash with Queen’s Park Rangers on Saturday and the appeal will feature on the Stadium of Light’s screens.

DI Paul Waugh said: “We have had a number of people who have helpfully come forward to give DNA samples and give informatio­n.

“It is a little too early to say what this may bring or how it could impact the investigat­ion, but what I would say is that it is so important these people have taken that step to come forward.

“That’s all we ask people to do. Come forward and give a DNA sample if you had any contact with Nikki prior to her death or provide us with any informatio­n you can which could help support this investigat­ion.

“We are going to be at the Stadium of Light this weekend again appealing for informatio­n and urging people to come forward to police or Crimestopp­ers anonymousl­y.

“Please, for Nikki and her family, any informatio­n you may have, no matter how insignific­ant you may think it is, come forward and help us get that one step closer to finding the person responsibl­e for Nikki’s death.”

Crimestopp­ers has offered a reward of up to £10,000 for anyone who has informatio­n which leads to the conviction of Nikki’s Killer.

Anyone with any informatio­n is asked to contact police on 101 or Crimestopp­ers on 0800 555 111.

“It is so important these people have taken that step” DI PAUL WAUGH

 ??  ?? Nikki Allan.
Nikki Allan.
 ??  ?? Sharon Henderson, mum of Nikki Allan, left, with one of the leaflets police will be handing out to fans tomorrow.
Sharon Henderson, mum of Nikki Allan, left, with one of the leaflets police will be handing out to fans tomorrow.
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