Sunderland Echo

Drug driver faces prison sentence after death crash


A drug-driver has admitted causing the death of a young man in a tragic hit-and-run smash.

Lewis Michael Knapp was hit by a Vauxhall Vectra on his way home from a night out celebratin­g Good Friday with his girlfriend and friends in South Shields in the early hours of April 15.

The 20-year-old, from Boldon Colliery died almost instantly at the scene in the town’s Anderson Street.

At Newcastle Crown Court Connor Emms, 21, of Sycamore Avenue, South Shields, has pleaded guilty to causing his death by dangerous driving. He also admitted failing to stop after a road accident, having no insurance, driving otherwise in accordance with a licence and driving with a proportion of a specified controlled drug above the specified limit.

Mr Knapp’s devastated family and friends packed the public gallery at the hearing.

Emms will be sentenced on January 8 next year and has been granted bail with conditions that he lives at his home address, does not contact with prosecutio­n witnesses and cooperates with the preparatio­n of a probation report.

Judge Paul Sloan told Emms: “If you breach any one of the conditions of your bail, you could be remanded in custody and failing to attend for the sentence hearing is a criminal offence.”

The judge warned him: “You must understand, the fact I am adjourning sentence and the fact I am ordering the preparatio­n of a report is not an indication of the sentence that will be imposed.

“You must appreciate, an immediate custodial sentence is inevitable in the circumstan­ces of this case.”

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