Sunderland Echo




pass through the Premier League mill.

The outpouring of emotion that came as he marched towards the away supporters was perfectly timed.

The Welshman had kept his cool throughout the game, even when Sunderland’s struggles on the ball and occasional positionin­g errors in defence were a source of clear frustratio­n.

With the game finely poised, he made some surprising but decisive subsitutio­ns, taking off his two wide players, who had flickered but never intervened decisively.

Even the goal celebratio­ns were understate­d, Coleman making a point, after James Vaughan’s 84th-minute opener, to seek out Lee Cattermole, who had made an excellent run to the front post to make the all important flick-on.

That calm broke on the final whistle, however, Coleman roaring at the travelling support and being greeted by something altogether more defeaning.

The wild celebratio­ns may have seemed strange to those looking on elsewhere.

After all, Sunderland remain deep in relegation trouble and a win over Burton, whose budget is one of if not the lowest in the league, should be the minimum standard.

Yet it is hard to truly put it into words just how low the mood had descended on Wearside and just what a breath of fresh air Coleman’s convincing communicat­ion and leadership has been in the last week.

He brings the same blend of realism and yet also bullishnes­s that made Sam Allardyce so revered and it has already lifted spirits immeasurab­ly.

There remains a dizzying amount of work for Coleman to do and the sluggish nature that we saw for much of Saturday’s game was testament to that.

Sunderland are heading into a relent- less period of fixtures with a squad ravaged by injuries and lacking the all-important speed and creativity to carve out regular wins. Bright starts have faded away before and so Coleman’s post-match message, milk it for a while but don’t carried away, was perfect. This is a difficult job even for someone whose stock is so high. Perhaps, however, those left bemused by his choice of club will understand it a little better when they see that stirring full-time footage. There is nothing quite like the momentum that comes with waking the sleeping giant. Not too many clubs can offer that kind of opportunit­y, and Coleman seems determined to grasp it with both hands.

 ??  ?? Sunderland’s delighted players celebrate going 2-0 up with George Honeyman’s decisive second goal at Burton. Pictures by Frank Reid.
Sunderland’s delighted players celebrate going 2-0 up with George Honeyman’s decisive second goal at Burton. Pictures by Frank Reid.
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