Sunderland Echo

Driving a deal on damage


New year can mean a new car for many people. Weekends free of festive and family events are now spent visiting glass-fronted showrooms, perusing the latest shiny, sleek, four-wheeled offerings, promising to get you from A-B in greater style and comfort.

Buying a car is one of the biggest financial investment­s we make. Which is why so much time is also invested in choosing the right one - and so many Sunday afternoons keeping it clean.

So when something happens to our cars which we can’t control, such as damage from a pothole, it can cause outrage. Outrage which is multiplied if we don’t feel we receive the right treatment from local authoritie­s, or indeed compensati­on for repairs.

This time of year is especially pothole problemati­c as winter and spring weather can leave road surfaces pitted with craters. Utility works can also cause cracks in our roads.

So the first thing to do if you hit a pothole is to document what’s happened, as well as the damage. Photograph the hole, showing its depth if you’re able, and of course the damage to your vehicle or bike.

All councils allow you to report potholes via their websites. When you make a report, include all the supporting evidence you can.

Compensati­on for pothole damage costs councils a lot of money so they can have strict protocols for meeting any claims.

Your chance of claiming compensati­on often depends on whether a pothole has already been reported. If a council knew about the pothole but hasn’t repaired it, or hasn’t followed road maintenanc­e guidelines, you may be able to claim compensati­on.

But before you do it’s a good idea to get a quote for fixing any damage and finding out whether the council will reimburse you before you fork out. If you have repair work done, make sure you keep your receipts - and do the same if you’ve had to pay for alternativ­e trans- port while your damaged vehicle was repaired.

Basically, the more supporting evidence you can provide the easier making your claim will be.

Having a claim rejected can feel like adding insult to injury, but you can use the

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